intro to typography

aparna nair
2 min readMar 10, 2021


E2: Typeface tracing

My favorite part of this assignment was drawing the different bowls and counterforms. I also became very aware of the angular differences in the two serif fonts, which I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise.

E3: Typographic voice

For Tradition, I decided to use knowledge from my research on the Baskerville typeface. Baskerville is a transitional typeface, even though it has very few differences from traditional typefaces. I decided to use Caslon, the font originating Baskerville, because I thought showing a font which inspired a line of modernized fonts would conceptualize tradition in two ways.

For Experiment, I wanted to use fonts that used serif and line thickness uniquely, as well as play around with the kerning and tracking. The font I finalized (Adobe 明體 Std L) was similar to a traditional serif typeface, but with consistent line thickness throughout. To make it a font that would be better suited for a traditional printing press, I decided to space the letters out more so that each character would be legible. This was also somewhat influenced by my Baskerville research, as John Baskerville adjusted line thickness for print in his experiments.

For Organic, I was mostly looking for fonts that were reminiscent of handwriting. Features I was looking for included varying line thickness, somewhat slanted print, and the spacing between each letter/how they connected to each other. I ended up using Chantal, and adjusting the kerning between certain letters to emulate the way I might write quickly in uppercase.

E4: Typographic hierarchy

1–4 (top left to bottom right) 1: line spacing 2: typographic weights 3: indentation 4: typographic weight + line spacing
5: typographic weights + indentation 6: horizontal shift + linespacing 7: size change + typographic weight

